Every Day Immune Support Tincture
A tonic formula that you can add to your daily regimen. Made from the top 7 herbs recommended as anti-virals by the International Journal of Functional Medicine, this formula sends viruses packing. To your health!
Reishi mushroom, tumeric, astragalus, green tea, elder berry and flower, licorice, and ethanol.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Herbal and nutritional counseling is not meant to be or intended to be any type of treatment, prescription or diagnosis for any disease, whether physical disease or mental disease. Herbal and nutritional counseling is not a substitute for standard medical care by a licensed doctor.
For obvious reasons, we cannot accept returns. However, if you are unsure if a formula is right for you, we suggest that you order a trial size and see if you like it first.