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Herbal Hydrosols

Herbal Hydrosols

When making essential oil, steam is passed through the herbs, and a tiny trickle of oil comes out.  The rest is glorious herb infused steam (now water again) that has a zillion uses!  Sage hydrosol is germicidal, perfect for cleaning counter tops and purifying the air.  Lavender hydrosol is so mild you can use it as a facial toner, and so strong you can wash vegetables in it to remove pesticide residue.  Mildly astringent yarrow is great for mature skin, tiny broken capillaries, and acne.

  • Ingredients

    Pure herb and steam


    For obvious reasons, we cannot accept returns.  However, if you are unsure if a formula is right for you, we suggest that you order a trial size and see if you like it first.

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