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Laidback Lemon Tea

Laidback Lemon Tea

You  know that feeling when you get home from foot on the gas, one on the break?  When you need to settle down, and can't, maybe some herbal assistance is called for.  Laidback Lemon reduces cortisol, relaxes muscles, and helps us take that deep breath. Tea to support the central nervous system.

  • Ingredients

    Lemon balm, lemongrass, ashwagandha, Lion's Mane, catnip, lemon peel, astragalus, and milky oat tops.

  • Disclaimer

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Herbal and nutritional counseling is not meant to be or intended to be any type of treatment, prescription or diagnosis for any disease, whether physical disease or mental disease.  Herbal and nutritional counseling is not a substitute for standard medical care by a licensed doctor.

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