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The Gladder Bladder Formula

The Gladder Bladder Formula

If you are prone to UTIs, this is nice to have on hand.  Calming spasms, creating bladder tone, soothing mucous membranes, and even creating an unfriendly environment for bacteria, this formula can help head things off at the pass.

  • Ingredients

    Dandelion root, manzanita leaf and berry, nettles, corn silk, kava, and ethanol.

  • Disclaimer

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Herbal and nutritional counseling is not meant to be or intended to be any type of treatment, prescription or diagnosis for any disease, whether physical disease or mental disease.  Herbal and nutritional counseling is not a substitute for standard medical care by a licensed doctor.


    For obvious reasons, we cannot accept returns.  However, if you are unsure if a formula is right for you, we suggest that you order a trial size and see if you like it first.

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